atlas, website design
client: American Estate & Trust
year: 2024
location: remote
type: website design
role: brand design lead
project overview:
Having led the brand development and design process for AET's new Atlas product, I led the design process for the corresponding website. The site was to be created in Hubspot as a one-page site upon launch as AET hoped to build and act quickly, leveraging the new brand to effectively market a potentially transformative product in the alternative investment space.
Website Homepage Design
Having established the brand's look and feel, this landing page would be the first expression of that fresh brand. This design was created in Figma before being handed off to AET's developers for implementation on Hubspot.
Webinar Landing Page
As the Atlas brand launched and Steve Larsen's "Defi Stewart" began pointing Advisors and Firms to Atlas, it was key to build on the pre-existing trust Steve had build among Advisors and introduce them to the new space. Paid social and direct lead-gen campaigns pointed to this landing page where users could register for the Webinar.