Atlas by AET
Brand Design
AET sought to expand their RIA custom management and custodial offerings by aquiring the successful firm Defi Steward, with the intention of establishing a new AET sub-brand dedicated to the only true custom deal platform of its kind in the alternative investing market. I led the brand development and design process alongside AET's C.O.O. and VP of Marketing.
Name & Logo Development Process
The task of building the Atlas brand came down to creating a consistent look and feel that would function as a solid marketing platform through which to introduce prospective Advisors and Firms to AET's industry leading custom platform.
The Atlas brand is built on strong natural colors, relying on a deep green against a sandy or cloudy contrasting opposite. These colors are a contemporary take on the institutional classics of the financial world, mirroring AET's ambitions for Atlas to exist as a modern marketing tool in an otherwise dated landscape.
The Atlas brand is built to exist primarily as a digital marketing tool, and as such the fonts were selected with a digital interface in mind, ultimately opting to use Playfair Display for all Headings and Subheadings, and Poppins for body and all other copy.
Design Elements
The brand's design elements are primarily used as background accents, iconography to lead the users eye through information, and as visual references to Atlas' brand and marketing objectives. Historical maps are used across the brand to nod both to Atlas' mission of Mapping the Alternative Investment Landscape and as visuals nodding toward a heritage of financial expertise. Icons are all sourced from SF Pro for ease of use, and the globe is utilized as the grounding element in more elaborate designs.