Fine Art
In the summer of 2019 I was one of 9 photographers featured as a gallery artist for the opening of what was then branded the New Mexico Prints Gallery, now New Mexico Fine Art. In the heart of downtown Albuquerque, the gallery would serve as a fine art photography gallery exhibiting large scale work from New Mexico based photographers. The world class quality prints were produced entirely in house, with the company doubling as a new name in setting industry standards for fine art photography printing as well as managers of the gallery space. Alongside other outstanding New Mexican photographers I opted to use my space to exhibit a celebration of New Mexico's night skies, featuring largely monochromatic works of blue and white palettes made in Plaza Blanca and White Sands National Park, two of which using a drone light painting technique to etch glyphs into the composition, reflecting the otherworldly rock formations. Each photograph was exhibited as a stretched canvas print at a massive 20" x 60" scale. At the grand opening I also had a few dozen smaller prints available for purchase. As part of the grand opening, each featured photographer was the subject of a mini-doc about their process and what New Mexico means to them. It was an honor to be a part of launching a phenomenal local business creating opportunities and raising the bar for artists in the Southwest.