International Business
Students Global
International Business Students Global (IBSG) is a group of global and international professionals comprised of the highest caliber students at the University of New Mexico interested in questions of international management, social entrepreneurship, and the role of business in the global political economy. We are a not-for-profit organization who provides services purely for educational purposes, interested in generating world-class opportunities for our students. The is to serve local and global communities through intellectual and social contributions be a well-connected and trusted problem solver for organizations that set the global agenda. I joined IBSG in 2016 as a team member of two IBSG projects, Outside the Margins and the World Folk Art Movement. I was voted in as the inaugural Creative Director in 2017, through which I oversaw the completion of the Blue Book on the Global Refugee Crisis.
In July of 2016, a team of students from The University of New Mexico traveled to South Korea to begin a project that aims to protect, preserve and foster folk art around the world. A project led by International Business Students Global (, The World Folk Art Movement is working to bring pop-up folk art markets to all of the major events where the world comes together. Framed by the trip to South Korea and the intentions of bringing a pop-up market to the 2018 Olympic Games, this documentary follows the team across the world from Seoul to Albuquerque where the first pop-up market will be held on April 28th on UNM's main campus. Come on the day and see first hand how #ArtSaves.