New Mexico United's
Somos Unidos Foundation

In the midst of the 2020 pandemic, responding to immediate needs presenting themselves around the state, we accelerated plans of launching United's 501c3, The Somos Unidos Foundation. In the span of two weeks we built a brand, website, and the infrastructure needed to immediately begin servicing community needs while advancing the long discussed mission: Creating positive outcomes for all New Mexicans.

brand development
As an extension of New Mexico United, the Somos Unidos Foundation brand was developed to complement the United brand. The state shape is intercepted by the open Zia lines, a reflection of the Foundation's statewide mission and openness to all who wish to lend a hand.
website development
Built in Webflow in tandem with the two-week sprint designing the brand and launch materials, the website was designed using background videos to demonstrate the work already being done alongside multiple hover animations to invite users deeper into the programming.
brand launch
Still so far from being able to gather in person, what had long been imagined as an in person gala launch event for United's non-profit had to succeed as a virtual launch, inciting action and grabbing attention in the only arena where we were currently able to meet audiences. The key would be action immediately following the launch; the foundation was laid, now the work began. That immediate action behind the brand is what would cement it as one of the most important projects in United's history.
The product line for the foundation functioned as a tool for further fundraising, brand awareness, and as gifts for volunteers and community members giving their time to the Foundation's mission, and as such the products lean heavily on the logo and brand statements.
the diversity fellowship
The Diversity Fellowship Program was developed to address two driving factors of the lack of representation in soccer: access and financial barriers. Through the program, candidates work directly with the coaching staff or front office staff, learning the ins and outs of a professional sports team. At the conclusion of their fellowship, each candidate will then receive funds to assist them in a next step of their career: Coaching Licensure, Continuing Education, Certifications, etc. The Fellowship is open to candidates who are people of color, female, and those who identify as non-binary. After multiple years, several of the Fellowship's graduates have furthered their careers in sports through United and beyond.
One of the core projects for the Foundation centered around access to the game. Primarily, this led to the creation of the free-to-play Academy (see full project overview here). That desire to bring the game to the youth of New Mexico without any financial barriers manifested in the form of several annual clinics held for free around the state by current and former professional players and coaches.
As programming for the Foundation was established, annual funding goals became crucial for its sustained success. In 2022, the first annual Gala was held at Sandia Resort & Casino featuring silent and public auctions and an evening full of programming. The funds raised were sufficient to cover the next 18 months of continued operations.
additional projects
The Foundation's hurried creation was rooted in addressing the immediate needs of New Mexicans throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. At each step along the way, the Foundation has continued to identify opportunities to help and jumped in wherever possible.